Every kid loves Masquerade or a Halloween birthday celebration. My daughter wanted a costume party and had a desire to make original masks at home. We came up with the simplest way to make paper masks for her best friends. So, if you need easy costume ideas for the kids’ party, you are in the right place.
We couldn’t make entire outfits, but we surely made brilliant disguises for their faces. After searching through the net for the perfect template to print out, I realized there is an easier way around it all.

How Do You Make a Simple Paper Mask?
Material needed:
- printed or traced from a screen template
- cardboard paper in color
- Scissors
- Crayons, watercolors, pens, or nail polish
- Elastics
- Stickers or any other details to decorate the mask

How to make a mask:
- You found your desired paper mask. But what if the size doesn’t match your kid’s face, or if you don’t have a printer?
- In that case, match the size on your screen suited for your child
- Place a piece of paper on your screen and trace your template
- Cut carefully
- Eyeholes that are drawn on masks don’t suit all, so before cutting check if it’s ok for your kid
- Now you have your template from which you can make as many versions as you like
- Place your template on cardboard and trace your mask. If it has many details imprint them by pressing harder through your template so you can see them on your cardboard once you are done tracing.
- You and your kids decorate as you wish. We made some with nail polish, but the smell is not safe for our little ones, so we did only one using that method.
- Before you drill a hole for elastic check for the best position on a kid’s face
- Measure the head radius and sew in the elastics. My 7yo daughter helped with the sewing part as well. Let them try.
As usual, I prepared a video tutorial to make it as simple as possible.
PRO TIP: You can make one mask out of two! I placed butterflies under the hero mask, each in its color, and draw some lace and it turned out great. Use your imagination and start creating.
Download these masks and print them out or do as I described. If you don’t find the desired mask, just cross the one you like from your screen.

I believe these masks are easy to make and that these costume ideas will thrill your guests as they did ours. These crafts gave us a lot of fun and mess everywhere, lol. But it did reduce screen time to the minimum… or none at all as I recall for a week.

Hope you liked our last-minute birthday celebration or you can use it for Halloween costume ideas for kids. We also made a cute witches hat tutorial and skeleton simple costume idea not long ago that you can also use.

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